美國omega TX86溫度變送器
通用輸入RTD,T / C,Ω,鍋和M
1000 VRMS的輸入和輸出之間的隔離
傳感器的O / C和S / C的檢測
The TX86 is a 2-wire Loop-Powered, Galvanic-Isolated, Programmable Universal Input Temperature Transmitter that is designed to be head-mounted, but can be standalone as well. It uses 16 bits A/D and D/A converters offering high accuracy with Linearized 4 to 20 mA or 20 to 4 mA outputs. Being a user-friendly rugged instrument, it displays the measured variable and has a SSR output. The TX86 has 3 push buttons on its front keyboard & a 4-digit 7-segment bright LED display module that indicates the values of the measured parameters during the Measuring Mode while also providing prompting and programming instructions during the setup and calibration mode routines. The 1000V AC galvanic isolation removes all ground loop effects. Three different engineering units (°C, °F and %), can be displayed and the chosen unit is highlighted by an associated LED lamp when in the measuring mode.
Input Sensors Measured Range (°C) Minimum Span (°C)
K -100 to 1372 50
J -100 to 750 50
T -100 to 400 50
E -100 to 750 50
R 0 to 1700 50
N -100 to 1300 50
S 0 to 1700 50
B 400 to 1800 50
100PT -200 to 850 50
200PT -200 to 500 50
500PT -200 to 200 25
1000PT -200 to 200 25
Ni120 -80 to 260 50
Cu10 -100 to 260 50
Resistance 0 to 2000Ω 50Ω
Potentiometer 0 to 2000Ω 50Ω
mV (millivolts) -5 to +60 2 mV
General Performance: (@ 24 Vdc, 25°C ±2°C)
Loop Power: 12 to 30 Vdc, LED indicator reverse polarity protected 60 Vdc
Output: 4/20 mA calibrated; 3.8 to 20.5 mA linear
Resolution: 2uA
RTD Excitation Current: 30/150 uA ± 2%
Input Impedance: 1 MΩ, nominal
Maximum Load: 50 x (Vsupply – 12V) Ω
Accuracy: ± 0.2% of full scale input
Long-Term Stability: ± 0.15%/ year
Temp. Coefficient: ± 0.01%/°C (5 to 50°C)
Dampening Constant: Programmable
Configuration: Via 3 push-buttons on front
Solid State Relay Output: 30 mA maximum
Cold Junction Comp: ± 2°C max (5 to 50°C)
Power Supply Effect: Less than 0.01%/V
Input Protection: 40 Vdc maximum
Sensor Burnout: Upscale >21mA, downscale <3.8 mA
Isolation Rating: 1000V RMS continuous
Response Time: 1 second with dampening off
Power-on Response: Within 5 seconds
Ambient Temps: -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F) (storage and operation)
Relative Humidity: 20 to 90%, non-condensing
Dimensions: 62 Dia x 42 mm H (2.5 x 1.7")
Mounting: Head-mounted
Housing: Plastic, polycarbonate
Weight: 80 g (0.18 lb)
TX86 Universal Input Transmitter
PSR-24S Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, screw terminal
PSR-24L Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, UL, stripped leads
PSR-24L-230 Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, stripped leads, 230 Vac input, CE
PSU-93 Unregulated power supply, 16 to 23 Vdc, 300 mA max, screw terminal
美國omega TX86溫度變送器
TX83A-MAT1變送器 美國omega