CT-160AF-7記錄儀 美國omega
CT-100 Series
CT-100 Series:溫度記錄儀,自供電、發條、1或24小時和7天,CHART-TEMP?系列
From -40 to 260°C (-40 to 500°F)
Low Temperature Recorders with Ranges Up to 220°F with Either 1 or 7 Day Charts and +2% Accuracy
Oven Recorders with Ranges up to 500°F and Either 1 or 24 Hour Charts with +3% Accuracy
Accurate Swiss-Made movement with jewelled bearings (Low Temperature Model)
OMEGA? CHART-TEMP? recorders are dry stylus, spring-wound clockdriven circular chart recorders which never require electric power or ink of any kind. Simply rewind the drive when you replace the chart. These recorders are excellent for recording temperatures inside buildings, refrigerators or ovens. Units with ranges up to 500°F are available.
產品型號 產品描述
CT-100AF-1 0 to 100°F, Low Temperature 1 Day Recorder
CT-100AF-7 0 to 100°F, Low Temperature 7 Day Recorder
CT-120AF-7 20 to 120°F, Low Temperature 7 Day Recorder
CT-120AF-1 20 to 120°F, Low Temperature 1 Day Recorder
CT-160AF-1 -40 to 160°F, Low Temperature 1 Day Recorder
CT-160AF-7 -40 to 160°F, Low Temperature 7 Day Recorder
CT-220AF-1 20 to 220°F, Low Temperature 1 Day Recorder
CT-220AF-7 20 to 220°F, Low Temperature 7 Day Recorder
CT-70AF-1 -30 to 70°F, Low Temperature 1 Day Recorder
CT-70AF-7 -30 to 70°F, Low Temperature 7 Day Recorder
CT-300F-1H 70 to 300°F, High Temperature 1 Hour Recorder
CT-300F-24H 70 to 300°F, High Temperature 24 Hour Recorder
CT-400F-1H 70 to 400°F, High Temperature 1 Hour Recorder
CT-500F-1H 70 to 500°F, High Temperature 1 Hour Recorder
CT-500F-24H 70 to 500°F, High Temperature 24 Hour Recorder
CT-150C-1H 20 to 150°C, High Temperature 1 Hour Recorder
CT-200C-1H 20 to 200°C, High Temperature 1 Hour Recorder
CT-260C-1H 20 to 260°C, High Temperature 1 Hour Recorde
(1) (2)
(1) Replacement Chart Paper 代表 Recording Time
1 代表 1 Day
7 代表 7 Day
1H 代表 1 Hour
24H 代表 24 Hour
(2) Temperature Range
-100F 代表 0 to 100deg F
-120F 代表 20 to 120deg F
-160F 代表 -40 to 160deg F
-220F 代表 20 to 220deg F
-70F 代表 -30 to 70deg F
-150C-CHART 代表 20 to 150deg C
-200C-CHART 代表 20 to 200deg C
-260C-CHART 代表 20 to 260deg C
-300F-CHART 代表 70 to 300deg F
-400F-CHART 代表 70 to 400deg F
-500F-CHART 代表 70 to 500deg F
CT-160AF-7記錄儀 美國omega